Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Feathers For Lunch

Written by: Lois Ehlert
Ages Level: Preschool-Grade 2
Themes: Exploration, Perseverance, Different types of birds, Cats

Feathers for Lunch

The house cat got out and is trying very hard to get a bird to eat. The birds know he is coming and keep getting away. The cat keeps trying over and over, but all he gets are feathers. The end of the book includes a guide to all the birds included in the book. 

Pre-Reading Activity:
Discuss different types of birds the students know. What do you know about this bird? Where does it live? Have you seen it around your house?

Post-Reading Activity:
Pick a bird from the back of the book and do some research about it. Write a research essay about this bird and include: where it lives, what it eats, how big it gets and a picture. The essay should be 3-5 paragraphs.

About the Author:
LOIS EHLERT has created many picture books, including Leaf Man, Pie in the Sky, In My World, Growing Vegetable Soup, Planting a Rainbow, and the bestselling Waiting for Wings. She lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

This is a great book with excellent illustrations. The colors and layout are so inviting to students. The story is interesting to students and they want to see if the cat ever gets a bird. It is a nice example of how the cat does not give up even though he keeps failing! The collection of birds in the back of the book is an excellent reference for students to use.

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